DABSUS – sludge utilization

DABSUS – production of organic fertilizer

DABSUS (DAB Sludge Utilization System) is a technology that solves sanitation problems in places without sewage net by turning septic sludge from a serious waste into a useful fertilizer. This means that DABSUS prevents environment pollution and allows returning of natural nutrients back to the soil.

DABSUS was developed on the basis of DAB technology, a well-known and worldwide spread technology for sludge thickening and dewatering. The dewatered sludge is then composted with other organic compounds and turned into a useful fertilizer.

DABSUS has several advantages e.g.:
* Low investment and running cost
* Increased level of sanitation standard of the environment
* Significantly decreased epidemic hazard
* Significantly decreased pollution of fields, forests, ground water and sea water
* Diminished usage of artificial fertilisers and diminished soil erosion
* Diminished production of methane gas (strong greenhouse gas)
* Increased environmental consciousness of the society

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